Saturday, April 11, 2015

Everything is Posible

A young man working in the army was constantly humiliated because he believed in God. One day the captain wanted to humiliate him before the troops. He called the young man and said: - Young man come here, take the key and go and park the Jeep in front. The young man replied: - I cannot drive! The captain said: - Well then ask for assistance of your God! Show us that He exist! The young man takes the key and walked to the vehicle and begins to pray......  ... He parks the jeep at the place PERFECTLY well as the captain wanted. The young man came out of the jeep and saw them all crying. They all said together: - we want to serve your God! The young soldier was astonished, and asked what was going on? The CAPTAIN crying opened the hood of the jeep by showing the young man that the car had no engine. Then the boy said: see? This is the God I serve, THE GOD OF IMPOSIBLE, the God who gives life to what does not exist. You masy think there are things still imposible BUT WITH GOD EVERYTHING IS POSIBLE.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Batangas Trip

    Many of us losses the sight of the wonders of our nature we live everyday. They don't care to see the secret beauty we have in our nature. We have EYEs as well as EARs my friend. To look is much less than to overlook and to be able to see what we do see, is a great gift. "The great thing a man ever did in this world was to see something, and tell what it shown in a plane view.

   I don't afraid going out. The Bible said as quoted in Genesis: " God saw every thing that He made, and behold, it was very good. Hence, we are safe. The first sight of the see, my first journey in the mountain, the first sight of molten lava in Mount Mayon I feel in each case that the strange thing is pure nature.

    Some Medieval Scientist like Emerson says that each moment of the year has its own beauty, and in the same field it beholds every hours a picture that was never seen before, and shall never seen again. The heaven change every moment and reflect their glory or gloom in the plain beneath.

   The love of nature is a great gift. It can help me achieve peace of mind or tranquility. To be beautiful and to be calm, without mental fear, is the ideal of nature.

   So I have prepared myself for a treak. Of course the first thing that I have to consider is to see myself. Because, In us God reside. We, our body, is the beautiful creature He created no matter what you tell to your self. I find myself pretty and well off and geared up some important equipment I am going to use going out. I have bought a travel bag from friend. A 45 liter bag. It is Philippine made so its good. It's gentle easy to handle. You have to buy one that a mountaineers wear cause that is the advisable for a miles away walk. Anything else be sure that it won't cause back pain  

      You will be far away from your home so be prepared for a mess kit. Gas stove is heavy and wood burning is not allowed for some area. I, myself, don't advise it for the sake of our nature. Cooking is great experience in the woods so I bought a little butane gas stove and little kitchen utensils just enough for me and my buddy starving others he he.

     Also equip yourself with the lights

   I have roamed around the mall looking for something that could be used for my travel and it should be cheap. Remember In this kind of adventure you have to be wise and clever without sacrificing convenience that the tools in the market have. Everything you buy should be cheap and durable. The aim is to finished the job without injury and to be happy. till I found these

     All are a mere bags but it has a marvel aside from being a bag. One has a zipper lock that shot up the air in and out and a devise that can take away the air with in. It could shrink your bigger size dress tightly. Another is a water proof bag. I used this as pitching water our from a fountain or the river near my camp site. I has a five gallon capacity. All are very cheap.

     I just imagine how It could be used in the hike. 

       One of the most basic hiking gears is the camping tent. In most overnight climbs, a tent would be required. A tent offers cold, rain, and wind protection for both the camper and his gear; it also protects against animals, insects, and falling branches, especially when camping in dense jungles. Since energy and rest is required for multi-day climbs, a tent is instrumental in facilitating the much-needed sleep that would prepare the hiker for the day ahead

Now the time has come to jump off. My package is complete and sealed.


 I have come to acquaint new friend. We've been to the whole day and night

So this is a thorough enjoyment of my travel from interfering with love of home, that perhaps no one can enjoy his home who does not sometimes wander away. But one of the greatest pleasure of my adventure is return to a home who miss me the whole days.



Friday, March 27, 2015

Confronting Terrorism

The ever deteriorating situation in Iraq and Syria and the continued threat posed by ISIS and its affiliate terrorist groups is probably one of the most pressing issues and concerns that necessitates more focused attention, action, and cooperation by the intelligence community both nationally and internationally. It calls for a consolidated national effort to deny this group in winning vulnerable sectors of the Muslim Filipino communities to buy into the ISIS’s brand of jihadist ideology. More so, it demands a more enhanced and intensified international cooperation to stop the spread of this ISIS menace. Obtaining intelligence and sharing is one thing. Translating this intelligence into concrete action and tangible accomplishment is another thing. Hence, the challenge to the regional and global intelligence community is to translate this shared intelligence into consolidated actions through uniformed and mutually beneficial responses in the form of counter terrorism policies and measures. History has never been remiss in providing us a treasure trove of knowledge that if we idly sit by and let events takes it course then for sure we will again be haunted by the horrors of the Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah experience. It shouldn’t take another 9/11 or Bali bombing before the importance of intelligence is again put in the pedestal. Intelligence will always be the spearhead in our fight against terrorism and against ISIS this remains to be true.

From our end, we recognize that the only way forward to address the threat of ISIS spreading into the country and the Southeast Asian region is to strengthen our intelligence efforts. It is only by closely working together with our neighboring nations and the international intelligence community that we can comprehensively defeat the threat posed by this group. With this, we are exploiting various regional and international counterterrorism agencies and forums and other bilateral and unilateral cooperations to collect and share vital intelligence in order to recommend timely policies, programs, and measures.
Terrorism is just one facet of our wide array of problem. Another equally important problem we are facing is the continuing threat posed by the CPP/NPA/NDF (CNN). For more than 5 decades now this is another concern that not only challenges the resolve and ingenuity of the Philippine National Police but has been dragging the whole country as well into moving forward and progressing. The communist ideology continues to flourish especially in areas where government control is weakest or non-present. The group has continue to exploit and agitate sectors of the society to embrace an anti-government and anti-status quo sentiment and remain committed to the Maoist-inspired idea that the only way to change the Philippine society is through a violent and bloody revolution. Up until today this is perhaps the greatest threat to our internal security and stability.

From our end, we continue to collect intelligence to sustain our Counter insurgency efforts and support different law enforcement operating troops on the ground. We also recognize that in order to gain the upper hand against the CNN intelligence will play a pivotal role. We untiringly share and provide intelligence as basis for a more comprehensive policy and programs against it.

         Instead of losses we choose to see them as challenges that in one way or the other continues to affect our intelligence gathering capability. The lack of the necessary technical equipment is one of our foremost challenge. We however negate this by enhancing our human intelligence capability thru trainings to hone and improve skills and craft.