Friday, March 27, 2015

Confronting Terrorism

The ever deteriorating situation in Iraq and Syria and the continued threat posed by ISIS and its affiliate terrorist groups is probably one of the most pressing issues and concerns that necessitates more focused attention, action, and cooperation by the intelligence community both nationally and internationally. It calls for a consolidated national effort to deny this group in winning vulnerable sectors of the Muslim Filipino communities to buy into the ISIS’s brand of jihadist ideology. More so, it demands a more enhanced and intensified international cooperation to stop the spread of this ISIS menace. Obtaining intelligence and sharing is one thing. Translating this intelligence into concrete action and tangible accomplishment is another thing. Hence, the challenge to the regional and global intelligence community is to translate this shared intelligence into consolidated actions through uniformed and mutually beneficial responses in the form of counter terrorism policies and measures. History has never been remiss in providing us a treasure trove of knowledge that if we idly sit by and let events takes it course then for sure we will again be haunted by the horrors of the Al Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiyah experience. It shouldn’t take another 9/11 or Bali bombing before the importance of intelligence is again put in the pedestal. Intelligence will always be the spearhead in our fight against terrorism and against ISIS this remains to be true.

From our end, we recognize that the only way forward to address the threat of ISIS spreading into the country and the Southeast Asian region is to strengthen our intelligence efforts. It is only by closely working together with our neighboring nations and the international intelligence community that we can comprehensively defeat the threat posed by this group. With this, we are exploiting various regional and international counterterrorism agencies and forums and other bilateral and unilateral cooperations to collect and share vital intelligence in order to recommend timely policies, programs, and measures.
Terrorism is just one facet of our wide array of problem. Another equally important problem we are facing is the continuing threat posed by the CPP/NPA/NDF (CNN). For more than 5 decades now this is another concern that not only challenges the resolve and ingenuity of the Philippine National Police but has been dragging the whole country as well into moving forward and progressing. The communist ideology continues to flourish especially in areas where government control is weakest or non-present. The group has continue to exploit and agitate sectors of the society to embrace an anti-government and anti-status quo sentiment and remain committed to the Maoist-inspired idea that the only way to change the Philippine society is through a violent and bloody revolution. Up until today this is perhaps the greatest threat to our internal security and stability.

From our end, we continue to collect intelligence to sustain our Counter insurgency efforts and support different law enforcement operating troops on the ground. We also recognize that in order to gain the upper hand against the CNN intelligence will play a pivotal role. We untiringly share and provide intelligence as basis for a more comprehensive policy and programs against it.

         Instead of losses we choose to see them as challenges that in one way or the other continues to affect our intelligence gathering capability. The lack of the necessary technical equipment is one of our foremost challenge. We however negate this by enhancing our human intelligence capability thru trainings to hone and improve skills and craft.